Engineer position available at the Centre of Research in Myology, Sorbonne Université-Inserm, Institut de Myologie, Paris, France. Type: Ingénieur
Centre of Research in Myology, Sorbonne Université-Inserm, Institut de Myologie, Groupe Hospitalier Pitié‐Salpêtrière, Paris, France.
Description: An Engineer position is available in the team of Gisèle Bonne in the context of the International Network of Excellence PRIORITY, Cardio-LaminoPathy: fRom pathomechanIsms tO peRsonalIzed TherapY, supported by the Leducq Foundation. PRIORITY consortium aims at the investigation of i) the clinical and genetic spectrum of LMNA-DCM, ii) the underlying disease mechanism(s) of the disease in order to iii) develop mechanism-based therapies, potentially offering personalized therapeutic options for LMNA-DCM patients.
The present position is opened to work on the aim dedicated to the development of a gene therapy for LMNA-DCM. The team has a long-standing expertise in neuromuscular disorders, in particular in Laminopathies, and use different cellular (primary and immortalized skin and/or muscle cells) and murine models to explore the pathomechanisms of the disease, to study in vivo and ex vivo striatedmuscle development and function with the goal to develop relevant therapeutic approaches.
The laboratory is a Joint Research Unit of Sorbonne Université (SU) and Inserm. It is part of the Myology Institute located on the Pitié‐Salpêtrière Hospital campus, and offers a highly interactive and international research environment with state‐of‐the‐art core facilities.
Qualifications: Candidates should have a Master degree or equivalent and expertise in molecular and cellular biology (and if possible in myology). Having a training certificate in animal experimentation is a plus.
Mission: The candidate will have in charge the cloning of various vectors for the gene therapy. He/she will be involved in the molecular evaluation of the therapeutic potential of these constructions in vitro and/or in vivo via in vitro cell’s infection, RT-qPCR, droplet PCR, stem-loop PCR, immunofluorescence and western blotting technics.
Salary Details: The salary will be according to the guidelines of the Inserm Status, depending on experience. The position will be initially available for 2 years.
Application Details: Candidates should send their application with full supporting documentation (CV, short description of previous research project(s), and names and addresses of 2 referees) to:
Gisèle Bonne, PhD and Anne Bertrand, PhD
Center of Research in Myology
Sorbonne Université – Inserm UMRS 974
Institut de Myologie
G.H. Pitié-Salpêtrière
47, boulevard de l’Hôpital
F-75 651 Paris Cedex 13 – France
Tel: +33 1 42 16 57 23 (or 18)
E‐mail: /
Date: The position is available from March 2025