Save the date and call for abstracts GRC Intermediate Filaments June 16-21, 2024, Spain SFM
Dear All,
It is our pleasure, to announce that the application for the GRC and GRS on Intermediate Filaments (IF) 2024 is now open. We have put together an exciting program and we hope that many IF enthusiasts will join us at the Rey Don Jaime Grand Hotel, Castelldefels, Spain (close to Barcelona). This meeting is a great opportunity to share and discuss the newest dadta on, among others, IF in health and disease, their biophysics, and newly, discovered functions. All of it in the beautiful settings of Catalunya and with the fun, collegial and open-minded IF crowd.
This meeting will bring together scientists from various fields including but not limited to cell biology, biochemistry, biomedical engineering, biophysics, modeling and clinical medicine and will take place June 16-21, 2024 in Spain.
We have several open slots for oral presentations and the presenters (early stage and established researchers) will be selected from abstracts submitted before January 31, 2024
For more information on how to apply and the program see 2024 Intermediate Filaments Conference GRC (June 16-21, 2024) and 2024 Intermediate Filaments (GRS) Seminar GRC (June 15-16, 2024)
Topics (all related to the IF): Disease and Human Diversity Nanostructure of Life Cancer and Development Biophysics and Bioengineering Muscular Dystrophies and Cardiomyopathies Aging of Skeleton and Circulation Nervous System Disorders Inside and Outside the Cell Skin, Gut, and Liver diseases
Looking forward to seeing you all in Spain!
The organizing committee:
Elly Hol and Howard Worman, chairs
Gisèle Bonne and Giulio Agnetti, vice-chairs